Former captain Sunil Gavaskar seems angry at the way the media has portrayed him for his alleged link with the Kochi IPL franchisee. Some people have even alleged that he had been giving advise to them even while he was a member of the IPL governing council, thus entering the conflict of interest area.
"Pray, tell me how does an offer to be in charge of cricketing aspects of a franchise make so much news when I have not even accepted it.
Isn't it futile to respond to any questions, especially when the angle and line of the article has already been decided by the writer or TV channel?" he told MAIL TODAY.
He further wrote in his e-mail reply that he responded in "good faith" to media houses, but it seems his reply provided "credibility to the biased article written" and to the story shown by channels.
"So, I can shout from the roof tops that I declined to be on the governing council, but it will still be said that I was sacked, expelled, dropped and what not. Sad, really sad," he rued.
Gavaskar also maintained that the BCCI hasn't removed him from the chairmanship of its technical panel. "I don't know where these things are coming from. I'm still the chairman of the technical committee."
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